Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Illegal, Cheap Workers Driving Down Wages in U.S.

Bernie Sanders admits illegal, cheaper workers drive wages down for America’s middle and working class yet continuously supports amnesty for illegals, decriminalization of the U.S.-Mexico border, and tossing out Trump’s “Buy American, Hire American” order.

The senator conducted an interview with the NY Times and attempted to explain his former statements in which he admitted that opening the United States border is detrimental to the nation-state, as well as slammed the idea of hemispheric open borders.

Sanders, in the interview, agrees that “of course” illegal workers who are hired by companies at “$5 per hour” “lowers wages” for the working class in America, who are frequently searching for entry-level jobs.

Sanders, later in the exchange, backs away from immigration’s wage-suppression effect on people in America and concentrates on a $15 min. wage — implying that illegals be legalized, as well as paid the same wage as citizens of America.

Legal immigration levels, in which over 1 million mainly low-skilled legal immigrants, as well as a multitude of foreign visa workers are allowed into the country annually, have driven the quantity of foreign-born workers within the United States to its highest level since the year 1996. That’s in addition to the multitude of illegals who come into the country each year.

The majority of U.S. immigrants immediately start to compete for white-collar and blue-collar jobs against millions of people in America who seek full-time employment.

Extensive studies by analyst Steven Camarota and economists such as George Borjas uncovers that America’s present mass legal immigration system burdens American taxpayers and its middle and working class while redistributing around $500B in wealth each year to newly arrived immigrants and major employers. Similarly, studies have uncovered how Americans’ wages get crushed by the U.S.’ high levels of immigration.

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