BOCA RATON, FL - Mitchell J. Schultz, who foresaw Trump running
for President in 2006 and published stories more
than six months before announcing his win and why he won both the nomination
and the election on November 8, 2016, now foresees a Trump-Pence landslide
victory in November 2020.
What Schultz also foresees is the coming of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
entering into mainstream financial circles as their volume enters into the
multi-trillion-dollar market cap valuation. As crypto grows around the world,
attracting more and more investors and giant investment firms and as some
crypto organizations succeed and fail, those successes will rival those giants
as Google, Amazon, Facebook and others achieving major economic growth.
"Successful crypto investing will make more
millionaires than any other asset group anywhere," says Schultz. As he
expresses his mentor "Crypto Mitch" from YouTube, teaching his
affiliates on how to earn a million dollars in a crypto program he
explains, known as PM.
However, Schultz wants to caution everyone that is contemplating
their opportunity to jump in. He says, "Do not risk any more money than
you can afford to lose." He adds that "All that's needed to
begin with is $600 and then let CryptoMitch show you on YouTube, and in
addition, get your free report at"
What he says is that he has discovered a strategic method to
grow individual’s money daily with the risk being in the company's longevity
and dependability of making its daily payments. To date, after almost two
months, a steady daily payment from PM has been received demonstrating the
company’s ability to make its commitments so far to its investors and he
believes this should continue for quite some time.
If you can make it through the first 3-1/2 months, the only risk
then is with your profits. Therein lies the real risk as if they stop you could
lose your money; however, plans to recapture your initial investment plus some
added gravy are in his strategy. Follow
this link here to
get started.
Mitchell J Schultz Director of LLC DBA
SuperTrump CryptoMANIA Investment Club
2901 Clint Moore Road
Suite #211
Boca Raton, FL 33434
Office: (954) 729-1861
Cell: (561) 358-0597
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