present, a Rasmussen poll of 2,500 likely voters reports that 45% think the
U.S. is going in the right direction, whereas 51% report we’re going in the
wrong direction.
prior week, the right track figure stood at 40%, whereas the wrong track number
stood at 55%.
RCP (RealClearPolitics), they also track this figure in their poll of polls. Currently,
the RealClearPolitics average is that 39% see us on the right track, whereas 54%
report the wrong track. That is a 15-point spread.
no question that under President Trump, more folks are satisfied with the
current direction of America.
far, he has managed foreign policy in such a way that has not just kept the
U.S. out of foreign entanglements, he also has tamped down aggressors like Iran
and North Korea. Plus, let us not forget how he kicked ISIS’ butt or how Trump
solved an ancient border dispute between Turkey and Syria while the fake media
were shouting about a coming World War III and Kurd holocaust.
on top of that, America’s economy is soaring: jobs are now being created, real
wages are currently up for the first time in years, energy costs are low, and
Trump’s policies which have made the U.S. energy independent ensured no rise in
pump prices when things go awry overseas — like this latest dust up with Iran. Truthfully,
you can’t overestimate how this type of stability impacts voters’ peace of
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