Tuesday, October 3, 2017

SuperTrump's feelings on acts of domestic violence that threaten our comfortable lifestyle

If you are one that goes into crowds and sporting events, as well as to places that attract some of the nicest people, you could be at risk. Should you stop? No, but become aware of what's happening around you. Best to be safe than sorry! We can never let the acts of terror stop our way of living. Just add some caution.

SuperTrump is very saddened by the loss of many innocent unbeknown victims of EVIL from the worst massacre in US history.

Las Vegas, like Orlando, as well as other places in the world like Paris, Barcelona, Nice and more, echo the sounds of those who were smitten by some of the most evil carriers of death and destruction on the planet. It's the EVIL inside of some unbalanced people that takes over and drives them to act!

For 10 minutes Las Vegas became a war zone. Concert goers machine gunned down like sitting ducks. How could this have happened? And how can we prevent this from continually reoccurring?

The power of his weapon most probably made its bullets to pierce through more than one person so a single shot may have taken down multiple victims.  This awful act of domestic terror is something never experienced before. To machine gun down people at random that are within over 22000 in the audience made everyone a possible victim.

I understand Michael Phelps and his wife were at the concert. We must stop a moment and open up our hearts to pray for all those who lost their lives through such an unconscionable act!

Wishing everyone well and that we will make America safer and great again!

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